Analyzing Your Organization's Potential
Why Analyze Your Organization’s Potential?
- To help you fully understand the power and capability in your organization.
- To help you discover roadblocks to unleashing your organization’s potential.
- To assist you in prioritizing improvements.
- To help you ‘unlock’ your potential through effective action planning.
We Help You Answer:
- What are people doing that they should not be doing?
- What are people not doing that they should be doing?
Lawrence Block
GCA Conducts the Following Types of Potential Analyses:
- Full Organizational Analysis
- Specific Issues Analysis
- Job/Position Analysis
- Individual Analysis
How We Collect Analysis Information
- Leadership, Managerial and Supervisory Assessments
- Observing Work
- Interviews
- Work Culture Surveys
- Work Samples
- Work Reports and Records
Please ‘click’ on the ‘links’ below to view samples of two of the sureys we use to discover your organizational potential.